I know how you Repugs like to blame everything in perpetuity on Clinton, but I find it mindblowing how you guys can blame him for a massive attack on Bush's watch. Quite possibly a massive attack didn't happen on US soil during Clinton's watch because he was so focused on it. We are slowly learning about a major millenium attack that was foiled because Clinton brought everyone together and made it priority #1 to thwart it. Terrorism was a prority in Clinton's Admin and it wasn't in Bush's, period. He was too busy salivating from Day 1 over how to get into Iraq.
And before you say, well Clinton did nothing in response etc etc, you just don't know all that was done, mostly behind the scenes. Doing something doesn't have to involve lobbing bomb and bomb into the mountains of Afghanistan. Fighting terrorism is a very different war that happens mostly behind the scenes with law enforcement, not with military dropping big bombs. W still doesn't get this.